Equine Anatomy

        What lies beneath that beautiful exterior?


Equine Skeleton Image

1. Incisive Bone
2. Nasal Bone
3. Maxillary Bone
4. Mandible
5. Orbit
6. Frontal Bone
7. Temporal fossa
8. Atlas (first cervical vertebra)
9. Axis (second cervical vertebra)
10. Cervical Vertebra-seven total including the atlas and the axis
11. Tuber Spinae
12. Scapula
13. Ribs
14. Shoulder Joint or Scapulohumeral Joint
15. Humerus
16. Elbow Joint or  Humeroradial joint
17. Ulna
18. Forearm or Radius
19. Knee or carpus
20. Canon Bone or Third Metacarpal
21. Splint Bones or The Second and Fourth Metacarpal Bones
22. Fetlock Joint
23. Sesamoid Bones
24. First Phalanx
25. Second Phalanx
26. Distal Phalanx or Coffin Bone
27. Fetlock. The First and Second Phalanx below this joint are commonly referred to as the Pastern
28. Third Metatarsus
29. Splint Bones
30. Talus
31. Hock Joint
32. Calcaneus
33. Tibia
34. Stifle Joint
35. Femur
36. Ischium
37. Coxofemoral or Hip Joint
38. Ilium
39. Sacral Vertebrae(5) and Coccygeal Vertebrae(average 18)
40. Tuber Sacrum/Sacroiliac Joint
41. Lumbar Vertebrae (6)
42. Thoracic Vertebrae (18 )

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