Some things you should know about horses

Some things you should know about horses:

Horses are one of the noblest and most beloved creatures in the world. They’ve been used as a means of transport by humans for centuries; dragging carts, carrying cowboys, riding into battle. They’ve been a constant companion over the years, and it’s important they are treated well for their loyalty, and for being the beautiful creatures they are.

There are a few things you might not know about them, which you ought to be aware of if you’re new.

– If you want to know what a horse is looking at, you can tell from the direction their ears are pointing. They always point them to better assess what’s going on.

– How big do you think a horse’s brain is? The size of the average potato. Probably not big enough to allow it to work out the games on or a sudoku puzzle, but big enough to make it an intelligent creature. Horses understand you better than you know, and have their own minds and horse-a-nalities.

– If you’re unsure of a horses age, you can work it out by looking at their teeth. Well, until they are eleven years old anyway. After that it’s more art than science.

– A horse’s eyesight is actually pretty good.  340 degree vision, if you’ll believe that. They only have two blind spots; directly in front of them, and behind them, which is a by-product of having eyes situated slightly to the side, and being rather large in the back.

– Never ever hold a horses nose, or cover it in any way. Horses can’t breathe through their mouths, so if you were to block their nostrils, they will suffocate. Make sure all relevant equipment is secured correctly, before you set out, so you don’t hurt them.

– Although the average horse is much larger than us humans and weigh  five times more than we do, they are naturally more afraid of us than we are of them. That’s because we are predators and they are prey animals. And in ancient times human predators hunted and ate horses as do coyotes, mountain lyons and other predators do today.


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